Tenants Wanted!

Hell is always for Rent.
A raid to clear it out, only made it move to a new location.
Police lining their Pockets,
Graft and Grime,
wanted for more,
Motivation for Vice, Pleasure, and Wealth.
It’s the World’s Playground- without wives.
On stage, Hear Freedom Flow through the Pipes
of a Chorus of Beautiful Voices
in a Parade, irresistible.
Needs a Housecleaning, wants Reform,
but always gets an Acquittal.
an Absolute Boss Dominates this resort,
for his Entertainment.
Be certain,

( I received a good deal on a sublet)

Categories: Manic Beatnik Riffing

7 replies »

  1. There is a new tenant, with orange hair…
    He plans to blow the world away…
    Hell is the others a Frenchman said.
    No, no. It is now commandeered by the man on Penn Avenue.
    (Mais priez Dieu que tous nous veuillent absoudre)


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